Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I see you!

Hard to believe, but I am already far enough along that I can see my little guy kicking me through my tummy! I noticed it a couple night ago when I was relaxing on the couch and he was being particularly active. I stared at the location where he was moving for a bit and sure enough, POP! My belly bounced out a that spot! Hopefully when Evan returns he'll be able to catch his first kick too.

Another prenatal checkup ahead for me tomorrow. I don't anticipated any problems!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Kicking around

This baby is certainly a MOVER! He kicks a lot and I have already felt them on the outside of my belly! I'll have to check my journal from last time, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't feeling movement on the outside just yet. I guess this one is a strong little bugger.

Still waiting for Isaiah's big boy furniture to come in so I can get it all assembled and start the transition for the office into the baby's room. I have purchased his new bedding and I think it will look really good. It's got a couple shades of blue combined with brown in a star motif! It should look nice with the wall color we already have in the office - we really didn't want to paint again!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

21 Weeks!

Whew!  About 4 months to go....this pregnancy is half over already!  Hard to believe I am this far along already.  I was just talking to Evan today on our way to our Mother's Day dinner at HuHot (yum-o!) about how this pregnancy has gone so much faster than the last one.  I realize it's because I am otherwise occupied with a certain toddler, but it still amazes me.  I remember that the wait until the 20 week ultrasound in July of 2007 was just agonizing and seemed to take forever.  This time, I couldn't believe it was already here!  We still have a LOT to do in just 4 months, the biggest being getting the basement ready so we can move the office down there and the baby into the office.  Evan and his dad did get some new walls and some recessed lighting put up this weekend though, so there is some actual progress taking place.  Woohoo!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Whoa! Where did those come from??

I think my boobs exploded overnight. Not like a "Kaboom!" explosion like what happens when you toss a stick of dynamite into a vat of Jello, not that I've ever seen that done. It just seemed like a fitting image. No, I'm referring to the type of explosion, or rather....engorgement, that happens with you toss one of those novelty washcloths that comes all bunched up into the size of a quarter into a sink of water. Boom! All of a sudden, that quarter-sized cloth is swelling up to the size of a beach towel! That's what has happened to my chest. All day today, I am constantly hitching up my shirt that is covering the girls because I'm super-paranoid that they are out there for all these teenagers (I'm subbing at the high school) to see! I know they're supposed to grow in pregnancy, but honestly!!! Don't I have enough going on up front already? And why now? Why all of a sudden, in the span of a couple of days, have they suddenly decided to rebel against me and refuse to be confined by the likes of run-of-the-mill restrainment devices like undergarments and shirts? Oh no....they insist on being allowed to break forth into the spotlight! God help me if this trend continues.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Naming our little boy

Why are boy names so much more difficult than girl names? We really struggled to even agree on a short list of baby boy names last time around and Isaiah was the one name that Evan and I both truly loved. Perhaps that was the primary reason I was secretly hoping for a girl - so I wouldn't have to go through the naming drama!!! Oh, well. God has better plans for our testosterone filled family! I checked out a couple baby naming books from the library to try to expand our horizons a bit when it comes to names. Always good to branch out a little, right? After discussing the newly formed list with Evan (and crossing out more than a few between the two of us), I am happy to say that we have decided on a name for our baby boy! It's going to take some getting used to for me because it just hasn't quite "hit me" like Isaiah's name did, but I do really like it and I think it is a good, strong name.

And yes, we are still keeping the name a secret until the baby is born. We're evil that way.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Boy oh Boy!

It's a boy!

Just like big brother before him, this baby left little doubt as to whether he was a boy or a girl. As you can clearly see in this ultrasound, the goods are right out there for all to see! So.....two boys. Wowza. I will admit that part of me was hoping for a girl, even though I was pretty sure all along it would be a boy. There's something about having a little girl to play dress up and do all the princess stuff with, but I look at it this way. I should NEVER have to take out the trash or mow the lawn and weddings down the road will be much cheaper. Seriously, I am pumped to have two boys. With them being so close in age, they will have a blast causing trouble and getting dirty together. And really, there's just something about brothers.