Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well, I suddenly realized that I hadn't posted on here in about nine days. I'm surprised I wasn't receiving hate email! Unfortunately, I have little to report. Other than the fact that I can actually feel the top of my uterus now (from the outside.....sicko), there really hasn't been a whole lot of change. I'm still feeling nauseous pretty often, but it is much more sporadic now. Of course, that also means that it is also very unpredictable. I'm still insanely tired and I am truly hoping that will ease up soon. As much as I love sleep, it makes it very difficult to get much done at home when bedtime is 8:30. My next check up is the 16th and I should get to hear the heartbeat this time! Maybe we'll get a little hint as to whether it is "boy range" or "girl range." Isaiah's heartbeat was "boy range" from the very start and stayed that way. I guess we'll have to wait and see!

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