Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Still Pregnant

I went to the doctor this morning to follow up on my elevated blood pressure from Monday and things did not start off well. My blood pressure had stayed about the same and I did have protein in my urine. Super. I could just hear the words "induction" floating around in my head! I had blood drawn and my doc is running all the tests to "leave no leaf unturned" as far as checking for the symptoms of preeclampsia and then I did a non-stress test (NST), just like I had with Isaiah. The baby's heartrate wasn't incredibly variable, but it wasn't bad enough that we needed to be concerned. So, here's what we're left with. I need to weigh myself every day to watch out for a sudden weight gain and I need to watch out for headaches. Both are signs of preeclampsia. I'm probably going to be calling it quits a week early at work since I'm supposed to really "watch it" until the baby comes. I have to go back in to the doctor on Monday and then again on Wednesday - twice a week until it's baby time. Overall though, the good news is that I can stay pregnant a while longer yet! Woohoo!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Deja Vu

I went in to see the doctor this morning for my routine 36 week check up. (FYI - I am officially at 36 weeks, 4 days) After chit chatting with the nurse about my Kindle (we like to talk books), I was quickly transported into a major flash of deja vu when she took my blood pressure. Just like when I went in at 38 weeks with Isaiah, my blood pressure had spiked. I have been a pretty consistant 102-106 over 70s for my entire pregnancy, but this morning I was 118 over 85. The last time this happened, I was hooked up to an NST machine and two days later I had a baby! So, they took a urine sample to test for protein and Dr. Baker asked me to come back in on Wednesday to check on things. As for the rest of the check-up, I am actually measuring small this time around, so we pretty sure we're cooking up a small baby in there. I'm ok with that! I only gained 3 pounds in the past 4 weeks so I avoided a scolding, and the baby's head is down and in the "ready for launch" position! I'll know more about what to expect after I go back in on Wednesday, but there is definitely a nagging part in the back of my brain that is screaming "Please not yet!!! We're not ready yet!!!!" Realistically though....I'm thinking we've got some time.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Well that was weird!

I had to leave work early Friday night because I was having fairly strong contractions every 6-8 minutes! It was freaking me out how regular they were, so I started writing down the times and it continued for a good 2 hours. I called the hospital and they recommended sitting down for a while and drinking a ton of water, so I got someone to come in for me and that's what I did. It took about an hour or so of resting on the couch for them to go away, but they did. I am really hoping this isn't any kind of indication that the baby plans on showing up early. I am so not ready!

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Home Stretch

On Thursday I will officially be considered "full term," which means basicaly nothing except that if labor were to start, my doctor would not try to stop or prolong it. So, I guess it is safe to say that we are in the home stretch of this pregnancy! My due date is one month from today and I still feel like I need much more time. I did get the car seat dug out of storage and after lengthy search, managed to find all the components it needed. Now we just need to get the bases installed in the cars. I keep telling myself to get started on packing the hospital bag, making & freezing meals, and all the other things I did to prepare myself last time around, but I haven't done any of it yet. I do have the baby's changing table all stocked with diapers and clothes, but it's living out in the dining room right now while we continue the push to get the basement done. (The carpet guy is coming out to measure tomorrow, by the way!!!)

How am I feeling? Oh.....ok, I guess. The books and articles say the baby is putting on about an ounce of weight every day now and I can verify that while this may not sound like a lot, it adds up quickly! It seriously does feel like he gets bigger every day and there are some evenings (especially after I have been working at the restaurant) where I really don't want to move because it is so uncomfortable. Overall though, I am doing great. I have had zero complications this pregnancy, once again. I am so grateful to have easy pregnancies. There are so many women who have to deal with so much just to bring a life into the world and I am so thankful to have been blessed with normal pregnancies (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!). So, I guess for now we just continue the waiting game. Evan is working his tail off downstairs trying to get the drywall finished while I wait paitently with my carpet samples and list of paint until I get the green light to go ahead and get them purchased and in the rooms. It's exciting to see it starting to come together, but it is going to be so stressful when everything is culminating at once! Stay tuned!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

33 Weeks

Despite the fact that I am measuring 1 cm behind schedule, I still feel like I am just shy of the size of a barn. My back and hips concur with this assessment.
In other news, it would appear that I have hit some kind of pregnancy induced psychotic meltdown phase because I have spent the last week fluctuating between bouts of hysterical crying, depression, anxiety, sassiness (I struggled to hold my tongue with stupid customers at work), extreme fatigue, and lack of appetite. You can even ask my husband....I've been a basketcase this last week! I feel like I have absolutely no grip on my emotions right now and that's only a part of it. Less than 7 weeks to go. Just gotta keep telling myself that this is the home stretch. I can make it!!