Sunday, August 2, 2009

33 Weeks

Despite the fact that I am measuring 1 cm behind schedule, I still feel like I am just shy of the size of a barn. My back and hips concur with this assessment.
In other news, it would appear that I have hit some kind of pregnancy induced psychotic meltdown phase because I have spent the last week fluctuating between bouts of hysterical crying, depression, anxiety, sassiness (I struggled to hold my tongue with stupid customers at work), extreme fatigue, and lack of appetite. You can even ask my husband....I've been a basketcase this last week! I feel like I have absolutely no grip on my emotions right now and that's only a part of it. Less than 7 weeks to go. Just gotta keep telling myself that this is the home stretch. I can make it!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your pregnancy! The last part of the pregnancy is always the hardest b/c you just want to see your little one and your hormones are going crazy! Hang in there, no time at all and you are going to be a Mommy again! How exciting!!! I can't wait to hear/read all about it!!! :)
