Monday, August 17, 2009

The Home Stretch

On Thursday I will officially be considered "full term," which means basicaly nothing except that if labor were to start, my doctor would not try to stop or prolong it. So, I guess it is safe to say that we are in the home stretch of this pregnancy! My due date is one month from today and I still feel like I need much more time. I did get the car seat dug out of storage and after lengthy search, managed to find all the components it needed. Now we just need to get the bases installed in the cars. I keep telling myself to get started on packing the hospital bag, making & freezing meals, and all the other things I did to prepare myself last time around, but I haven't done any of it yet. I do have the baby's changing table all stocked with diapers and clothes, but it's living out in the dining room right now while we continue the push to get the basement done. (The carpet guy is coming out to measure tomorrow, by the way!!!)

How am I feeling? Oh.....ok, I guess. The books and articles say the baby is putting on about an ounce of weight every day now and I can verify that while this may not sound like a lot, it adds up quickly! It seriously does feel like he gets bigger every day and there are some evenings (especially after I have been working at the restaurant) where I really don't want to move because it is so uncomfortable. Overall though, I am doing great. I have had zero complications this pregnancy, once again. I am so grateful to have easy pregnancies. There are so many women who have to deal with so much just to bring a life into the world and I am so thankful to have been blessed with normal pregnancies (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!). So, I guess for now we just continue the waiting game. Evan is working his tail off downstairs trying to get the drywall finished while I wait paitently with my carpet samples and list of paint until I get the green light to go ahead and get them purchased and in the rooms. It's exciting to see it starting to come together, but it is going to be so stressful when everything is culminating at once! Stay tuned!

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