Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Countdown

Nine days to go until my due date and there is NOTHING happening in there. No contractions, no back pain that might be labor, nada. Zero. Zilch. Bupkiss. For some reason, I never even considered how I might feel if I had to wait for this baby to come down to the wire or even (Heaven forbid!!) overdue. After being induced 12 days early with Isaiah and half-expecting the same to happen this time around, I am finding myself in uncharted waters here. I don't like it! I really don't like going to bed every night and wondering if I'm going to wake up with wet sheets or in terrible pain. What's worse is when I get up in the morning and nothing happened! Does that make sense or sound crazy? Evan certainly doesn't mind....every day the baby stays comfortably in utero is one more day he gets of basically uninterrupted basement work time. I'm ok with that too, but it's the uncertainty and the feeling that I don't know what to expect that is driving me up a wall. I am a planner by nature, after all.

I have another checkup at the doc today at noon, so maybe I'll find out something new today. Doubtful, but I can hope right??


  1. Good luck! I hope your docs appt. went well! I know you are going to hate to hear this, but I was almost a week late with ALL 4 of my boys! My water only broke with one of them and I was induced with the rest of them. I had ultrasounds done at my first appt and was trying to conceive all but this last one, so I knew exactly when I conceived too. I know how frustrating it can be. When you get that close to your due date you are miserable and you just want to see your sweet little one. Hang in there though (easier said than done.) I'm sure it will only be a matter of days and you will be meeting your little one. Congrats again!! I look forward to reading all about your journey! :)

  2. Oh sweetie, I had one emergency c-section and then two scheduled c-sections. But, I remember clearly the waiting the first time around. NOT fun. Hope your little one come soon!
    I got the 'Cars' cars and train case at Toys R Us before Christmas, but I have also gotten some at Target and Walmart. They are the same price at all three. Good luck finding them - they are adorable and apparently a lot of fun for little guys!
