Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here we go again!


I just love being able to type those words. Finally, after nearly 6 months of trying and one miscarriage under our belts, I can actually say them. I am just so thrilled.

So, how did we get here?

We started trying to conceive our second child in August of '08. The Mirena came out, the prenatals were prescribed, ovulation was predicted and we got to work. Last time, we conceived Isaiah after only 2 months of trying, so I wasn't surprised when it didn't happen right away. By the time October rolled around, my impatience grew. Then, to my delight, I got a positive pregnancy test on December 8th. I was so pumped, but also a little confused. My home pregnancy test was very faint. Here's how it looked: If you look real close, squint, stand on your head and cluck like a chicken, you might be able to see that very faint positive line. To verify this test, I took a digital test and sure enough...."Pregnant." Three days later, I started to bleed. To make a long story short, I had a very early miscarriage on December 11th. This was very hard for me and a did a lot of crying and praying. Eventually, I came to realize that it was a good sign because we had conceived! We were doing something right and I trusted that God would give us that baby that was perfect for us when the time was right.

So, we got right back at it! :-) Despite a goofy cycle due to the miscarriage, Christmas travelling, and starting a new job, we managed to squeak in the neccessary...ummm...activities. I thought for sure there was no way we would conceive, but God had a better plan.

Now, here we are in January and I have three gloriously clear positive pregnancy tests sitting in my bathroom drawer!
I still take them out and look at them almost every time I go into the bathroom just to convince myself that I didn't imagine it.
Our first doctor's appointment is set for February 10th and the estimated due date is September 19th! I am already experiencing symptoms - nausea, fatigue, sore breasts, very sensitive sense of smell. It will be interesting to see how things this time are different from my first pregnancy.
As for the blog, well....I just figured I could type so much faster than I can write, so it makes sense to do it online rather than in a traditional journal, right? Plus, I can add photos. :-) Stay tuned!


  1. I am so proud of how you have trusted God on this. It is something that SO out of your hands and very hard to just blindly trust... and look at that - He did it!
    It is really encouraging to me!
