Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fruit Loops

It would appear that I am starting to gradually ease out of the morning sickness stage, thank goodness. The best clue that I have to support this is my sudden cravings for Fruit Loops cereal! I don't even eat Fruit Loops when I'm not pregnant, but I gave them a try at school one morning when I didn't want to brave the breakfast burrito and they were out of Kix. Every since then, it would appear that the baby has taken to Fruit Loops and I even went and bought a box for at home. I swear though, if Evan finishes off the rest of my Fruit Loops like he did with my Sierra Mist, I just cannot guarantee that he will make it to his birthday with all his fingers and toes safely in place.

On another note, a friend of mine from my freshman year of college, Marissa, is now a week overdue with her first baby and the poor thing is getting desperate! She just posted a photo of herself on her blog with acupunture needles sticking out of her legs! She even walked the entire Mall of America trying to get labor to start, but nothing. I'll certainly be keeping her in my thoughts and hoping to see a new blog post very soon!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Belly Shots

For those of you who were expecting a rousing round of taking Jello shots off someone's taunt tummy.....forget it. No, the belly shots to which I am referring are photographs of my flabby pregnant belly, none of which exist as of yet. I was just thinking about how I have a 6 week belly photo in Isaiah's pregnancy book, but I haven't taken a single belly photo yet this time. Maybe because all my tummy is now is a flabby pooch left over from my toddler. I dunno. I know I'll take some once I actually look pregnant, but for now I guess I have no desire to capture my chubbitude for posterity's sake.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The little nudger

We got to see our little nudger for the first time today! My first prenatal visit was uneventful, but normal. The doc wasn't able to hear the heartbeat, but she said that's normal for 8 weeks, 5 days and that I shouldn't worry. Luckily, her next patient hadn't arrived yet so she quickly brought us in to the ultrasound machine and took a peek. There was our little baby - arms, legs, head, and a little heart just fluttering away! It was really cool, especially since I didn't get to see an ultrasound with Isaiah until 20 weeks. Here's the photo:
I added a little label for where the legs are so you can at least get some idea of what you're looking at there.
My due date was bumped up by two days, so my official due date as of right now is September 17th. Of course, that could change down the road if our 20 week ultrasound looks different than it should, but that's the date we're going by for the time being. So far so good!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Countdown to Heartbeat

Only 5 more days to go until that first OB appointment. I remember being very nervous for this first appointment with Isaiah too because you're scared to death that you'll go in and the doctor won't be able to find the heartbeat. I actually had a nightmare the other night that Dr. Baker was pushing that probe thingy all over my belly and just kept saying, "Where are you?" over and over. Creepy, huh? I know....just relax.

As for how I've been feeling - much of the same. I am still nauseous pretty much all day long. I have to make my food choices very carefully, as one wrong move can really cost me. The gamble I took on Super Bowl Sunday by attempting pizza was a very bad idea. Oh, and the few bites of Chicken a la King I had at the restaurant on Wednesday had me running to the bathroom no less than three times! I still need a stash of Sierra Mist within my reach, so I was very dismayed to find that our soda machine in the lounge was sold out this morning!