Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fruit Loops

It would appear that I am starting to gradually ease out of the morning sickness stage, thank goodness. The best clue that I have to support this is my sudden cravings for Fruit Loops cereal! I don't even eat Fruit Loops when I'm not pregnant, but I gave them a try at school one morning when I didn't want to brave the breakfast burrito and they were out of Kix. Every since then, it would appear that the baby has taken to Fruit Loops and I even went and bought a box for at home. I swear though, if Evan finishes off the rest of my Fruit Loops like he did with my Sierra Mist, I just cannot guarantee that he will make it to his birthday with all his fingers and toes safely in place.

On another note, a friend of mine from my freshman year of college, Marissa, is now a week overdue with her first baby and the poor thing is getting desperate! She just posted a photo of herself on her blog with acupunture needles sticking out of her legs! She even walked the entire Mall of America trying to get labor to start, but nothing. I'll certainly be keeping her in my thoughts and hoping to see a new blog post very soon!

1 comment:

  1. That's me you're talking about. I haven't been reading this blog but that's so funny. I was reading it think how crazy you have 2 friends named Marissa who are pregnant and then got to the acupuncture part. Thanks for the thoughts. I'm loving being a mom now that she's here! Good luck with pregnancy #2!
