Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The little nudger

We got to see our little nudger for the first time today! My first prenatal visit was uneventful, but normal. The doc wasn't able to hear the heartbeat, but she said that's normal for 8 weeks, 5 days and that I shouldn't worry. Luckily, her next patient hadn't arrived yet so she quickly brought us in to the ultrasound machine and took a peek. There was our little baby - arms, legs, head, and a little heart just fluttering away! It was really cool, especially since I didn't get to see an ultrasound with Isaiah until 20 weeks. Here's the photo:
I added a little label for where the legs are so you can at least get some idea of what you're looking at there.
My due date was bumped up by two days, so my official due date as of right now is September 17th. Of course, that could change down the road if our 20 week ultrasound looks different than it should, but that's the date we're going by for the time being. So far so good!


  1. Yeah - I dont think it has really hit me yet that we have another little one on the way! YEAH!

    It will be fun to have a baby again - Isaiah is getting so big now!
