Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two more days!

I have nothing earth-shattering to share today....just wanted to express my anxiousness over the fact that the big ultrasound is only 2 days away! It's always exciting to be able to see your baby, but I am especially looking forward to finding out the gender of the baby this time around. I really don't have a strong feeling one way or the other about if it is a boy or a girl, even though everyone else and their brother are saying "Girl!" All I know is that this baby has already been WAY more active than Isaiah was at this stage. What's hard to believe is that I am already halfway through this pregnancy. It doesn't seem like that much time has passed since I was watching those first sticks turn pink! :-)

I'll be sure to share what we discover at the ultrasound as soon as I get on a computer afterwards. Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

19 Weeks!

Almost halfway there already! I'm excited because I am entering the fun stage of pregnancy. I remember last time around that it was so cool to finally "look" pregnant rather than just fat, but you're not big enough yet where things are too uncomfortable. I definitely have my baby belly out for all to see now! My energy has returned so I don't feel like I'm going to pass out every night at 7:00 anymore. There are some other pleasant changes right about this time in the pregnancy, but I'm not going into more detail than that.....just ask Evan! ;-)

8 days to go until the big ultrasound! What will it be.....BOY or GIRL????

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Name Game

Naming the baby has been weighing on my mind recently. Evan and I have clashed quite a bit when it comes to names and I have heard the word "VETO" more than I care to remember. But, I think we may have made some progress! Recently, while we were watching TV, a character's name really struck me and I said, "Oh, I love that name!" I expected Evan to retort with a "Not so much" or something, but he suprised me by saying that he really liked it too. Ever since then, I have heard that name come up at random moments....just reminding me of how much I like it. So, long story short, I think we may have our girl name chosen!

No, I'm not going to tell you what it is! Where's the fun in that?

Boy name? No clue. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Feeling Flutters

Last time around, I didn't feel Isaiah move until I was about 18 weeks. Since I knew what to be feeling for this time, I was hopeful I would feel the baby move a little earlier, and I have! Just yesterday I felt for the first time the little flutters of the baby moving around in there. It only happened a couple of times and I haven't felt it since, but at least I know that he/she is in there and grooving away!

Less than a month until we find out if it is a boy or a girl!!! (I still say it's a boy. Evan says it's a girl)