Monday, April 13, 2009

The Name Game

Naming the baby has been weighing on my mind recently. Evan and I have clashed quite a bit when it comes to names and I have heard the word "VETO" more than I care to remember. But, I think we may have made some progress! Recently, while we were watching TV, a character's name really struck me and I said, "Oh, I love that name!" I expected Evan to retort with a "Not so much" or something, but he suprised me by saying that he really liked it too. Ever since then, I have heard that name come up at random moments....just reminding me of how much I like it. So, long story short, I think we may have our girl name chosen!

No, I'm not going to tell you what it is! Where's the fun in that?

Boy name? No clue. Stay tuned.


  1. I HATE it when you do that! Jerk.

    When we have kids... I'm not telling you their name. Ever.


  2. i'm gonna figure it...


  3. No way! I'm pretty sure (the girl name at least) is NOT going to be guessed!
