Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Feeling Flutters

Last time around, I didn't feel Isaiah move until I was about 18 weeks. Since I knew what to be feeling for this time, I was hopeful I would feel the baby move a little earlier, and I have! Just yesterday I felt for the first time the little flutters of the baby moving around in there. It only happened a couple of times and I haven't felt it since, but at least I know that he/she is in there and grooving away!

Less than a month until we find out if it is a boy or a girl!!! (I still say it's a boy. Evan says it's a girl)


  1. I'll bet a peanut butter cut it's a boy :)

  2. WRONG - its a pretty little girl - that loves Barbies and playing house and pink and purple.


    But I will still love the little thing if it is a boy.

    (Sarah - you want a boy so that you can have a third without an argument... tell the truth!!)ha

  3. I'd truly be happy with either!! And, honestly...regardless of boy or girl, I will still probably fight for that third one.
